About the project

The Icelandic Pokémon project („Vasaskrímslin á Íslensku“) is a non-profit fan-art creation and all its works are intended solely for personal, non-commerical use.

The project’s aims to provide a creative but true to the source translation of the names and descriptions of the Pokémon characters in Icelandic. The primary goal is to encourage younger children (especially young boys) to practice their reading skills by providing them with reading material that interests them.

The project also hopes that by providing information material about the Pokémon world it can support young Pokémon players in Iceland in playing the official Pokémon card games and better understand the Pokémon world.

The projects’ works are only available in printed form, none of the material is made available in digital form.


Iceland is a very small island nation with a unique language that has stayed largely unchanged for the past 2000 years. The native language, Icelandic, is spoken by fewer than 350.000 people.

The Pokémon TCG has been very popular with young children in Iceland for a number of years and continues to be.

There are to date no official Icelandic translations available for the Pokémon TCG world. This has a detrimental effect on our small island community as young enthusiastic Pokémon players end up relying on using the English names for all of the characters, objects and actions from the Pokémon universe in their conversations and play.

We believe that by providing a high quality translation of the Pokémon names in Icelandic, one that stays true to the original character names and abilities, will have a positive effect on younger generations in Iceland that love the Pokémon franchise while helping our nation preserve our native language.

We believe that with better understanding of Pokémon TCG this translation project will have a positive promotional effect for the official Pokémon products and make them more accessible to younger Icelandic audiences.

Icelandic is a language that very few people speak and a translation effort such as this is an important early involvement step in preserving our small nation language by providing our children with access to translations and support material for popular entertainment such as the Pokémon card game.

This is an effort that while having a very limited print count in an extremely small market will hopefully have a significant long term local impact.

The translation and proof reading work is done solely by volunteers and has no budget and no financial backing.

All involved with the project are volunteers that are enthusiastic about preserving the Icelandic language and love Pokémon.

How it works

The projects’ works are available free of charge to all.

The works are only available in printed form and individuals must order a printed copy of the works on-demand directly from a local printing service in Iceland.

Individuals only pay for the cost of printing and shipping fees (if applicable).

The project members and authors do not collect any profit of the printed materials and nor are they involved in the print order process.